Kaydet (Commit) 2d382cef authored tarafından Damjan Jovanovic's avatar Damjan Jovanovic

Fix a locking bug in our Java ComponentBase class, where after the transition

to disposed, the relevant variables (bDisposed and bInDispose) are written to
outside a synchronized block.

The equivalent C++ implementation in main/cppuhelper/source/implbase.cxx,
method WeakComponentImplHelperBase::dispose(), already does this.

Patch by: me
üst 51f65625
......@@ -92,10 +92,13 @@ public class ComponentBase extends WeakBase implements XComponent
// finally makes sure that the flags are set even if a RuntimeException is thrown.
// That ensures that this function is only called once.
synchronized (this)
bDisposed= true;
bInDispose= false;
// in a multithreaded environment, it can't be avoided, that dispose is called twice.
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