Kaydet (Commit) 29730225 authored tarafından Caolán McNamara's avatar Caolán McNamara

silence coverity#1371204 Missing move assignment operator


silence coverity#1371210 Missing move assignment operator

Change-Id: I6d7a59fd789c16ee11a27d50ba8fd14f17ae77e0
üst a2dbaac6
......@@ -177,28 +177,33 @@ void KDESalFrame::UpdateSettings( AllSettings& rSettings )
KConfig *pConfig = KGlobal::config().data();
if ( pConfig )
KConfigGroup aGroup = pConfig->group( "WM" );
const char *pKey;
pKey = "titleFont";
if ( aGroup.hasKey( pKey ) )
vcl::Font aFont = toFont( aGroup.readEntry( pKey, QFont() ), rSettings.GetUILanguageTag().getLocale() );
style.SetTitleFont( aFont );
bSetTitleFont = true;
KConfigGroup aWMGroup = pConfig->group( "WM" );
pKey = "titleFont";
if (aWMGroup.hasKey(pKey))
vcl::Font aFont = toFont(aWMGroup.readEntry(pKey, QFont()),
style.SetTitleFont( aFont );
bSetTitleFont = true;
aGroup = pConfig->group( "Icons" );
KConfigGroup aIconsGroup = pConfig->group("Icons");
pKey = "Theme";
if ( aGroup.hasKey( pKey ) )
style.SetPreferredIconTheme( readEntryUntranslated( &aGroup, pKey ) );
if (aIconsGroup.hasKey(pKey))
style.SetPreferredIconTheme( readEntryUntranslated(&aIconsGroup, pKey));
pKey = "toolbarFont";
if ( aGroup.hasKey( pKey ) )
if (aIconsGroup.hasKey(pKey))
vcl::Font aFont = toFont( aGroup.readEntry( pKey, QFont() ), rSettings.GetUILanguageTag().getLocale() );
vcl::Font aFont = toFont(aIconsGroup.readEntry(pKey, QFont()),
style.SetToolFont( aFont );
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