Kaydet (Commit) 27e26fc4 authored tarafından Miklos Vajna's avatar Miklos Vajna

sw: prefix members of Reader

Change-Id: Ia4210410047ce3b37113cfe0d4dff5bb7122baf2
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/53307Reviewed-by: 's avatarMiklos Vajna <vmiklos@collabora.co.uk>
Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
üst c792f3a5
......@@ -187,27 +187,27 @@ class SW_DLLPUBLIC Reader
friend bool TestImportRTF(SvStream &rStream);
friend bool TestImportHTML(SvStream &rStream);
rtl::Reference<SwDoc> mxTemplate;
OUString aTemplateNm;
OUString m_aTemplateName;
Date aDStamp;
tools::Time aTStamp;
DateTime aChkDateTime;
Date m_aDateStamp;
tools::Time m_aTimeStamp;
DateTime m_aCheckDateTime;
SvStream* pStrm;
tools::SvRef<SotStorage> pStg;
css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XStorage > xStg;
SfxMedium* pMedium; // Who wants to obtain a Medium (W4W).
SwgReaderOption aOpt;
bool bInsertMode : 1;
bool bTmplBrowseMode : 1;
bool bReadUTF8: 1; // Interprete stream as UTF-8.
bool bBlockMode: 1;
bool bOrganizerMode : 1;
bool bHasAskTemplateName : 1;
bool bIgnoreHTMLComments : 1;
bool bSkipImages : 1;
SvStream* m_pStream;
tools::SvRef<SotStorage> m_pStorage;
css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XStorage > m_xStorage;
SfxMedium* m_pMedium; // Who wants to obtain a Medium (W4W).
SwgReaderOption m_aOption;
bool m_bInsertMode : 1;
bool m_bTemplateBrowseMode : 1;
bool m_bReadUTF8: 1; // Interprete stream as UTF-8.
bool m_bBlockMode: 1;
bool m_bOrganizerMode : 1;
bool m_bHasAskTemplateName : 1;
bool m_bIgnoreHTMLComments : 1;
bool m_bSkipImages : 1;
virtual OUString GetTemplateName(SwDoc& rDoc) const;
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ public:
virtual ~Reader();
virtual int GetReaderType();
SwgReaderOption& GetReaderOpt() { return aOpt; }
SwgReaderOption& GetReaderOpt() { return m_aOption; }
virtual void SetFltName( const OUString& rFltNm );
......@@ -234,16 +234,16 @@ public:
void SetTemplateName( const OUString& rDir );
void MakeHTMLDummyTemplateDoc();
bool IsReadUTF8() const { return bReadUTF8; }
void SetReadUTF8( bool bSet ) { bReadUTF8 = bSet; }
bool IsReadUTF8() const { return m_bReadUTF8; }
void SetReadUTF8( bool bSet ) { m_bReadUTF8 = bSet; }
bool IsBlockMode() const { return bBlockMode; }
void SetBlockMode( bool bSet ) { bBlockMode = bSet; }
bool IsBlockMode() const { return m_bBlockMode; }
void SetBlockMode( bool bSet ) { m_bBlockMode = bSet; }
bool IsOrganizerMode() const { return bOrganizerMode; }
void SetOrganizerMode( bool bSet ) { bOrganizerMode = bSet; }
bool IsOrganizerMode() const { return m_bOrganizerMode; }
void SetOrganizerMode( bool bSet ) { m_bOrganizerMode = bSet; }
void SetIgnoreHTMLComments( bool bSet ) { bIgnoreHTMLComments = bSet; }
void SetIgnoreHTMLComments( bool bSet ) { m_bIgnoreHTMLComments = bSet; }
virtual bool HasGlossaries() const;
virtual bool ReadGlossaries( SwTextBlocks&, bool bSaveRelFiles ) const;
......@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ public:
virtual size_t GetSectionList( SfxMedium& rMedium,
std::vector<OUString>& rStrings) const;
const tools::SvRef<SotStorage>& getSotStorageRef() { return pStg; };
void setSotStorageRef(const tools::SvRef<SotStorage>& pStgRef) { pStg = pStgRef; };
const tools::SvRef<SotStorage>& getSotStorageRef() { return m_pStorage; };
void setSotStorageRef(const tools::SvRef<SotStorage>& pStgRef) { m_pStorage = pStgRef; };
virtual ErrCode Read(SwDoc &, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &, const OUString &)=0;
......@@ -77,19 +77,19 @@ public:
// Call for the general reader interface
ErrCode AsciiReader::Read( SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString&, SwPaM &rPam, const OUString & )
if( !pStrm )
if( !m_pStream )
OSL_ENSURE( false, "ASCII read without a stream" );
SwASCIIParser* pParser = new SwASCIIParser( &rDoc, rPam, *pStrm,
!bInsertMode, aOpt.GetASCIIOpts() );
SwASCIIParser* pParser = new SwASCIIParser( &rDoc, rPam, *m_pStream,
!m_bInsertMode, m_aOption.GetASCIIOpts() );
ErrCode nRet = pParser->CallParser();
delete pParser;
// after Read reset the options
return nRet;
......@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ ErrCode SwReader::Read( const Reader& rOptions )
// copy variables
Reader* po = const_cast<Reader*>(&rOptions);
po->pStrm = pStrm;
po->pStg = pStg;
po->xStg = xStg;
po->bInsertMode = nullptr != pCursor;
po->bSkipImages = mbSkipImages;
po->m_pStream = pStrm;
po->m_pStorage = pStg;
po->m_xStorage = xStg;
po->m_bInsertMode = nullptr != pCursor;
po->m_bSkipImages = mbSkipImages;
// if a Medium is selected, get its Stream
if( nullptr != (po->pMedium = pMedium ) &&
if( nullptr != (po->m_pMedium = pMedium ) &&
!po->SetStrmStgPtr() )
po->SetReadUTF8( false );
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ ErrCode SwReader::Read( const Reader& rOptions )
if( bSaveUndo )
// the reading of the page template cannot be undone!
bReadPageDescs = po->aOpt.IsPageDescs();
bReadPageDescs = po->m_aOption.IsPageDescs();
if( bReadPageDescs )
bSaveUndo = false;
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ ErrCode SwReader::Read( const Reader& rOptions )
// Array of FlyFormats
SwFrameFormatsV aFlyFrameArr;
// only read templates? then ignore multi selection!
bool bFormatsOnly = po->aOpt.IsFormatsOnly();
bool bFormatsOnly = po->m_aOption.IsFormatsOnly();
while( true )
......@@ -429,12 +429,12 @@ SwReader::SwReader( const uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > &rStg, const OUStri
: aDStamp( Date::EMPTY ),
aTStamp( tools::Time::EMPTY ),
aChkDateTime( DateTime::EMPTY ),
pStrm(nullptr), pMedium(nullptr), bInsertMode(false),
bTmplBrowseMode(false), bReadUTF8(false), bBlockMode(false), bOrganizerMode(false),
bHasAskTemplateName(false), bIgnoreHTMLComments(false), bSkipImages(false)
: m_aDateStamp( Date::EMPTY ),
m_aTimeStamp( tools::Time::EMPTY ),
m_aCheckDateTime( DateTime::EMPTY ),
m_pStream(nullptr), m_pMedium(nullptr), m_bInsertMode(false),
m_bTemplateBrowseMode(false), m_bReadUTF8(false), m_bBlockMode(false), m_bOrganizerMode(false),
m_bHasAskTemplateName(false), m_bIgnoreHTMLComments(false), m_bSkipImages(false)
......@@ -450,40 +450,40 @@ OUString Reader::GetTemplateName(SwDoc& /*rDoc*/) const
// load the Filter template, set and release
SwDoc* Reader::GetTemplateDoc(SwDoc& rDoc)
if( !bHasAskTemplateName )
if( !m_bHasAskTemplateName )
SetTemplateName( GetTemplateName(rDoc) );
bHasAskTemplateName = true;
m_bHasAskTemplateName = true;
if( aTemplateNm.isEmpty() )
if( m_aTemplateName.isEmpty() )
INetURLObject aTDir( aTemplateNm );
INetURLObject aTDir( m_aTemplateName );
const OUString aFileName = aTDir.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE );
OSL_ENSURE( !aTDir.HasError(), "No absolute path for template name!" );
DateTime aCurrDateTime( DateTime::SYSTEM );
bool bLoad = false;
// if the template is already loaded, check once-a-minute if it has changed
if( !mxTemplate.is() || aCurrDateTime >= aChkDateTime )
if( !mxTemplate.is() || aCurrDateTime >= m_aCheckDateTime )
Date aTstDate( Date::EMPTY );
tools::Time aTstTime( tools::Time::EMPTY );
if( FStatHelper::GetModifiedDateTimeOfFile(
aTDir.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE ),
&aTstDate, &aTstTime ) &&
( !mxTemplate.is() || aDStamp != aTstDate || aTStamp != aTstTime ))
( !mxTemplate.is() || m_aDateStamp != aTstDate || m_aTimeStamp != aTstTime ))
bLoad = true;
aDStamp = aTstDate;
aTStamp = aTstTime;
m_aDateStamp = aTstDate;
m_aTimeStamp = aTstTime;
// only one minute later check if it has changed
aChkDateTime = aCurrDateTime;
aChkDateTime += tools::Time( 0, 1 );
m_aCheckDateTime = aCurrDateTime;
m_aCheckDateTime += tools::Time( 0, 1 );
if (bLoad)
......@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ SwDoc* Reader::GetTemplateDoc(SwDoc& rDoc)
mxTemplate->SetOle2Link( Link<bool,void>() );
// always FALSE
mxTemplate->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoUndo( false );
mxTemplate->getIDocumentSettingAccess().set(DocumentSettingId::BROWSE_MODE, bTmplBrowseMode );
mxTemplate->getIDocumentSettingAccess().set(DocumentSettingId::BROWSE_MODE, m_bTemplateBrowseMode );
ReadXML->SetOrganizerMode( true );
......@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ SwDoc* Reader::GetTemplateDoc(SwDoc& rDoc)
OSL_ENSURE( !mxTemplate.is() || FStatHelper::IsDocument( aFileName ) || aTemplateNm=="$$Dummy$$",
OSL_ENSURE( !mxTemplate.is() || FStatHelper::IsDocument( aFileName ) || m_aTemplateName=="$$Dummy$$",
"TemplatePtr but no template exist!" );
......@@ -548,10 +548,10 @@ void Reader::ClearTemplate()
void Reader::SetTemplateName( const OUString& rDir )
if( !rDir.isEmpty() && aTemplateNm != rDir )
if( !rDir.isEmpty() && m_aTemplateName != rDir )
aTemplateNm = rDir;
m_aTemplateName = rDir;
......@@ -559,38 +559,38 @@ void Reader::MakeHTMLDummyTemplateDoc()
mxTemplate = new SwDoc;
mxTemplate->getIDocumentSettingAccess().set(DocumentSettingId::BROWSE_MODE, bTmplBrowseMode );
mxTemplate->getIDocumentSettingAccess().set(DocumentSettingId::BROWSE_MODE, m_bTemplateBrowseMode );
mxTemplate->getIDocumentDeviceAccess().getPrinter( true );
aChkDateTime = Date( 1, 1, 2300 ); // year 2300 should be sufficient
aTemplateNm = "$$Dummy$$";
m_aCheckDateTime = Date( 1, 1, 2300 ); // year 2300 should be sufficient
m_aTemplateName = "$$Dummy$$";
// Users that do not need to open these Streams / Storages,
// have to override this method
bool Reader::SetStrmStgPtr()
OSL_ENSURE( pMedium, "Where is the Media??" );
OSL_ENSURE( m_pMedium, "Where is the Media??" );
if( pMedium->IsStorage() )
if( m_pMedium->IsStorage() )
if( SW_STORAGE_READER & GetReaderType() )
xStg = pMedium->GetStorage();
m_xStorage = m_pMedium->GetStorage();
return true;
pStrm = pMedium->GetInStream();
if ( pStrm && SotStorage::IsStorageFile(pStrm) && (SW_STORAGE_READER & GetReaderType()) )
m_pStream = m_pMedium->GetInStream();
if ( m_pStream && SotStorage::IsStorageFile(m_pStream) && (SW_STORAGE_READER & GetReaderType()) )
pStg = new SotStorage( *pStrm );
pStrm = nullptr;
m_pStorage = new SotStorage( *m_pStream );
m_pStream = nullptr;
else if ( !(SW_STREAM_READER & GetReaderType()) )
pStrm = nullptr;
m_pStream = nullptr;
return false;
......@@ -641,13 +641,13 @@ bool SwReader::HasGlossaries( const Reader& rOptions )
// copy variables
Reader* po = const_cast<Reader*>(&rOptions);
po->pStrm = pStrm;
po->pStg = pStg;
po->bInsertMode = false;
po->m_pStream = pStrm;
po->m_pStorage = pStg;
po->m_bInsertMode = false;
// if a Medium is selected, get its Stream
bool bRet = false;
if( !( nullptr != (po->pMedium = pMedium ) && !po->SetStrmStgPtr() ))
if( !( nullptr != (po->m_pMedium = pMedium ) && !po->SetStrmStgPtr() ))
bRet = po->HasGlossaries();
return bRet;
......@@ -657,13 +657,13 @@ bool SwReader::ReadGlossaries( const Reader& rOptions,
// copy variables
Reader* po = const_cast<Reader*>(&rOptions);
po->pStrm = pStrm;
po->pStg = pStg;
po->bInsertMode = false;
po->m_pStream = pStrm;
po->m_pStorage = pStg;
po->m_bInsertMode = false;
// if a Medium is selected, get its Stream
bool bRet = false;
if( !( nullptr != (po->pMedium = pMedium ) && !po->SetStrmStgPtr() ))
if( !( nullptr != (po->m_pMedium = pMedium ) && !po->SetStrmStgPtr() ))
bRet = po->ReadGlossaries( rBlocks, bSaveRelFiles );
return bRet;
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT Reader* ImportDOCX()
ErrCode SwDOCXReader::Read(SwDoc& rDoc, const OUString& /* rBaseURL */, SwPaM& rPam, const OUString& /* FileName */ )
if (!pMedium->GetInStream())
if (!m_pMedium->GetInStream())
// We want to work in an empty paragraph.
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ ErrCode SwDOCXReader::Read(SwDoc& rDoc, const OUString& /* rBaseURL */, SwPaM& r
const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xInsertTextRange = SwXTextRange::CreateXTextRange(rDoc, *rPam.GetPoint(), nullptr);
uno::Reference<io::XStream> xStream(new utl::OStreamWrapper(*pMedium->GetInStream()));
uno::Reference<io::XStream> xStream(new utl::OStreamWrapper(*m_pMedium->GetInStream()));
//SetLoading hack because the document properties will be re-initted
//by the xml filter and during the init, while its considered uninitialized,
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ bool SwDOCXReader::ReadGlossaries( SwTextBlocks& rBlocks, bool /* bSaveRelFiles
uno::Reference<lang::XComponent> xDstDoc( xDocSh->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
xImporter->setTargetDocument( xDstDoc );
uno::Reference<io::XStream> xStream( new utl::OStreamWrapper( *pMedium->GetInStream() ) );
uno::Reference<io::XStream> xStream( new utl::OStreamWrapper( *m_pMedium->GetInStream() ) );
uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> aDescriptor( comphelper::InitPropertySequence({
{ "InputStream", uno::Any(xStream) },
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ static HTMLOptionEnum<sal_uInt16> aHTMLSpacerTypeTable[] =
bTmplBrowseMode = true;
m_bTemplateBrowseMode = true;
OUString HTMLReader::GetTemplateName(SwDoc& rDoc) const
......@@ -189,11 +189,11 @@ OUString HTMLReader::GetTemplateName(SwDoc& rDoc) const
bool HTMLReader::SetStrmStgPtr()
OSL_ENSURE( pMedium, "Where is the medium??" );
OSL_ENSURE( m_pMedium, "Where is the medium??" );
if( pMedium->IsRemote() || !pMedium->IsStorage() )
if( m_pMedium->IsRemote() || !m_pMedium->IsStorage() )
pStrm = pMedium->GetInStream();
m_pStream = m_pMedium->GetInStream();
return true;
return false;
......@@ -203,13 +203,13 @@ bool HTMLReader::SetStrmStgPtr()
// Call for the general Reader-Interface
ErrCode HTMLReader::Read( SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPam, const OUString & rName )
if( !pStrm )
if( !m_pStream )
OSL_ENSURE( pStrm, "HTML-Read without stream" );
OSL_ENSURE( m_pStream, "HTML-Read without stream" );
if( !bInsertMode )
if( !m_bInsertMode )
Reader::ResetFrameFormats( rDoc );
......@@ -225,15 +225,15 @@ ErrCode HTMLReader::Read( SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPam, co
// so nobody steals the document!
rtl::Reference<SwDoc> aHoldRef(&rDoc);
ErrCode nRet = ERRCODE_NONE;
tools::SvRef<SwHTMLParser> xParser = new SwHTMLParser( &rDoc, rPam, *pStrm,
rName, rBaseURL, !bInsertMode, pMedium,
tools::SvRef<SwHTMLParser> xParser = new SwHTMLParser( &rDoc, rPam, *m_pStream,
rName, rBaseURL, !m_bInsertMode, m_pMedium,
bIgnoreHTMLComments );
m_bIgnoreHTMLComments );
SvParserState eState = xParser->CallParser();
if( SvParserState::Pending == eState )
else if( SvParserState::Accepted != eState )
const OUString sErr(OUString::number(static_cast<sal_Int32>(xParser->GetLineNr()))
......@@ -5607,7 +5607,7 @@ bool TestImportHTML(SvStream &rStream)
FontCacheGuard aFontCacheGuard;
std::unique_ptr<Reader> xReader(new HTMLReader);
xReader->pStrm = &rStream;
xReader->m_pStream = &rStream;
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class SwRTFReader : public Reader
ErrCode SwRTFReader::Read(SwDoc& rDoc, const OUString& /*rBaseURL*/, SwPaM& rPam,
const OUString& /*rFileName*/)
if (!pStrm)
if (!m_pStream)
// We want to work in an empty paragraph.
......@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ ErrCode SwRTFReader::Read(SwDoc& rDoc, const OUString& /*rBaseURL*/, SwPaM& rPam
uno::Reference<document::XFilter> xFilter(xInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> aDescriptor(comphelper::InitPropertySequence(
{ { "InputStream", uno::Any(uno::Reference<io::XStream>(new utl::OStreamWrapper(*pStrm))) },
{ { "InputStream",
uno::Any(uno::Reference<io::XStream>(new utl::OStreamWrapper(*m_pStream))) },
{ "InsertMode", uno::Any(true) },
{ "TextInsertModeRange", uno::Any(xInsertTextRange) } }));
ErrCode ret = ERRCODE_NONE;
......@@ -6195,7 +6195,7 @@ bool TestImportDOC(SvStream &rStream, const OUString &rFltName)
std::unique_ptr<Reader> xReader(ImportDOC());
tools::SvRef<SotStorage> xStorage;
xReader->pStrm = &rStream;
xReader->m_pStream = &rStream;
if (rFltName != "WW6")
......@@ -6208,7 +6208,7 @@ bool TestImportDOC(SvStream &rStream, const OUString &rFltName)
return false;
xReader->pStg = xStorage.get();
xReader->m_pStorage = xStorage.get();
......@@ -6246,8 +6246,8 @@ extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT bool TestImportWW2(SvStream &rStream)
ErrCode WW8Reader::OpenMainStream( tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream>& rRef, sal_uInt16& rBuffSize )
OSL_ENSURE( pStg.get(), "Where is my Storage?" );
rRef = pStg->OpenSotStream( "WordDocument", StreamMode::READ | StreamMode::SHARE_DENYALL);
OSL_ENSURE( m_pStorage.get(), "Where is my Storage?" );
rRef = m_pStorage->OpenSotStream( "WordDocument", StreamMode::READ | StreamMode::SHARE_DENYALL);
if( rRef.is() )
......@@ -6267,10 +6267,10 @@ ErrCode WW8Reader::OpenMainStream( tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream>& rRef, sal_uIn
ErrCode WW8Reader::Read(SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, const OUString & /* FileName */)
sal_uInt16 nOldBuffSize = 32768;
bool bNew = !bInsertMode; // New Doc (no inserting)
bool bNew = !m_bInsertMode; // New Doc (no inserting)
tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> refStrm; // So that no one else can steal the Stream
SvStream* pIn = pStrm;
SvStream* pIn = m_pStream;
ErrCode nRet = ERRCODE_NONE;
sal_uInt8 nVersion = 8;
......@@ -6278,7 +6278,7 @@ ErrCode WW8Reader::Read(SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, cons
const OUString sFltName = GetFltName();
if ( sFltName=="WW6" )
if (pStrm)
if (m_pStream)
nVersion = 6;
......@@ -6293,7 +6293,7 @@ ErrCode WW8Reader::Read(SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, cons
else if ( sFltName=="CWW7" )
nVersion = 7;
if( pStg.is() )
if( m_pStorage.is() )
nRet = OpenMainStream( refStrm, nOldBuffSize );
pIn = refStrm.get();
......@@ -6307,8 +6307,8 @@ ErrCode WW8Reader::Read(SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, cons
if( !nRet )
std::unique_ptr<SwWW8ImplReader> pRdr(new SwWW8ImplReader(nVersion, pStg.get(), pIn, rDoc,
rBaseURL, bNew, bSkipImages, *rPaM.GetPoint()));
std::unique_ptr<SwWW8ImplReader> pRdr(new SwWW8ImplReader(nVersion, m_pStorage.get(), pIn, rDoc,
rBaseURL, bNew, m_bSkipImages, *rPaM.GetPoint()));
if (bNew)
// Remove Frame and offsets from Frame Template
......@@ -6361,7 +6361,7 @@ bool WW8Reader::ReadGlossaries(SwTextBlocks& rBlocks, bool bSaveRelFiles) const
tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> refStrm;
if (!pThis->OpenMainStream(refStrm, nOldBuffSize))
WW8Glossary aGloss( refStrm, 8, pStg.get() );
WW8Glossary aGloss( refStrm, 8, m_pStorage.get() );
bRet = aGloss.Load( rBlocks, bSaveRelFiles );
return bRet;
......@@ -491,10 +491,10 @@ ErrCode XMLReader::Read( SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, con
// get the input stream (storage or stream)
uno::Reference<embed::XStorage> xStorage;
if( pMedium )
xStorage = pMedium->GetStorage();
if( m_pMedium )
xStorage = m_pMedium->GetStorage();
xStorage = xStg;
xStorage = m_xStorage;
if( !xStorage.is() )
......@@ -666,38 +666,38 @@ ErrCode XMLReader::Read( SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, con
Any(xStatusIndicator) };
// prepare for special modes
if( aOpt.IsFormatsOnly() )
if( m_aOption.IsFormatsOnly() )
sal_Int32 nCount =
(aOpt.IsFrameFormats() ? 1 : 0) +
(aOpt.IsPageDescs() ? 1 : 0) +
(aOpt.IsTextFormats() ? 2 : 0) +
(aOpt.IsNumRules() ? 1 : 0);
(m_aOption.IsFrameFormats() ? 1 : 0) +
(m_aOption.IsPageDescs() ? 1 : 0) +
(m_aOption.IsTextFormats() ? 2 : 0) +
(m_aOption.IsNumRules() ? 1 : 0);
Sequence< OUString> aFamiliesSeq( nCount );
OUString *pSeq = aFamiliesSeq.getArray();
if( aOpt.IsFrameFormats() )
if( m_aOption.IsFrameFormats() )
// SfxStyleFamily::Frame;
*pSeq++ = "FrameStyles";
if( aOpt.IsPageDescs() )
if( m_aOption.IsPageDescs() )
// SfxStyleFamily::Page;
*pSeq++ = "PageStyles";
if( aOpt.IsTextFormats() )
if( m_aOption.IsTextFormats() )
// (SfxStyleFamily::Char|SfxStyleFamily::Para);
*pSeq++ = "CharacterStyles";
*pSeq++ = "ParagraphStyles";
if( aOpt.IsNumRules() )
if( m_aOption.IsNumRules() )
// SfxStyleFamily::Pseudo;
*pSeq++ = "NumberingStyles";
xInfoSet->setPropertyValue( "StyleInsertModeFamilies",
makeAny(aFamiliesSeq) );
xInfoSet->setPropertyValue( "StyleInsertModeOverwrite", makeAny(!aOpt.IsMerge()) );
xInfoSet->setPropertyValue( "StyleInsertModeOverwrite", makeAny(!m_aOption.IsMerge()) );
else if( bInsertMode )
else if( m_bInsertMode )
const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xInsertTextRange =
SwXTextRange::CreateXTextRange(rDoc, *rPaM.GetPoint(), nullptr);
......@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ ErrCode XMLReader::Read( SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, con
// Set base URI
// there is ambiguity which medium should be used here
// for now the own medium has a preference
SfxMedium* pMedDescrMedium = pMedium ? pMedium : pDocSh->GetMedium();
SfxMedium* pMedDescrMedium = m_pMedium ? m_pMedium : pDocSh->GetMedium();
OSL_ENSURE( pMedDescrMedium, "There is no medium to get MediaDescriptor from!" );
xInfoSet->setPropertyValue( "BaseURI", makeAny( rBaseURL ) );
......@@ -782,8 +782,8 @@ ErrCode XMLReader::Read( SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, con
if ( !(IsOrganizerMode() || IsBlockMode() || aOpt.IsFormatsOnly() ||
bInsertMode) )
if ( !(IsOrganizerMode() || IsBlockMode() || m_aOption.IsFormatsOnly() ||
m_bInsertMode) )
// RDF metadata - must be read before styles/content
// N.B.: embedded documents have their own manifest.rdf!
......@@ -826,8 +826,8 @@ ErrCode XMLReader::Read( SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, con
aEmptyArgs, rName, false );
ErrCode nWarn2 = ERRCODE_NONE;
if( !(IsOrganizerMode() || IsBlockMode() || aOpt.IsFormatsOnly() ||
bInsertMode) )
if( !(IsOrganizerMode() || IsBlockMode() || m_aOption.IsFormatsOnly() ||
m_bInsertMode) )
nWarn2 = ReadThroughComponent(
xStorage, xModelComp, "settings.xml", nullptr, xContext,
......@@ -842,15 +842,15 @@ ErrCode XMLReader::Read( SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, con
: "com.sun.star.comp.Writer.XMLStylesImporter"),
aFilterArgs, rName, true );
if( !nRet && !(IsOrganizerMode() || aOpt.IsFormatsOnly()) )
if( !nRet && !(IsOrganizerMode() || m_aOption.IsFormatsOnly()) )
nRet = ReadThroughComponent(
xStorage, xModelComp, "content.xml", "Content.xml", xContext,
(bOASIS ? "com.sun.star.comp.Writer.XMLOasisContentImporter"
: "com.sun.star.comp.Writer.XMLContentImporter"),
aFilterArgs, rName, true );
if( !(IsOrganizerMode() || IsBlockMode() || bInsertMode ||
aOpt.IsFormatsOnly() ) )
if( !(IsOrganizerMode() || IsBlockMode() || m_bInsertMode ||
m_aOption.IsFormatsOnly() ) )
......@@ -866,14 +866,14 @@ ErrCode XMLReader::Read( SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, con
// Notify math objects
if( bInsertMode )
if( m_bInsertMode )
rDoc.PrtOLENotify( false );
else if ( rDoc.IsOLEPrtNotifyPending() )
rDoc.PrtOLENotify( true );
nRet = nRet ? nRet : (nWarn ? nWarn : (nWarn2 ? nWarn2 : nWarnRDF ) );
// redline password
Any aAny = xInfoSet->getPropertyValue( sRedlineProtectionKey );
......@@ -923,8 +923,8 @@ ErrCode XMLReader::Read( SwDoc &rDoc, const OUString& rBaseURL, SwPaM &rPaM, con
// has lost the information, that this certain style is related to
// the outline numbering rule.
// #i70748# - only for templates
if ( pMedium && pMedium->GetFilter() &&
pMedium->GetFilter()->IsOwnTemplateFormat() )
if ( m_pMedium && m_pMedium->GetFilter() &&
m_pMedium->GetFilter()->IsOwnTemplateFormat() )
lcl_AdjustOutlineStylesForOOo( rDoc );
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