Kaydet (Commit) 1e2831e9 authored tarafından jan Iversen's avatar jan Iversen

iOS workaround to avoid mkdir problem.

this patch solves:
make   -rs -f /Volumes/LIBREOFFICE/ios/core/Makefile.gbuild    all
touch: /Volumes/LIBREOFFICE/ios/work/workdir/Executable/cppumaker.run: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [/Volumes/LIBREOFFICE/ios/work/workdir/Executable/cppumaker.run] Error 1

Seems the touch <foo>.run does not have a mkdir -p.

Change-Id: I3a02f5fd04cc3e2b96afb919542ef708849daf10
üst 36d91a65
......@@ -221,5 +221,6 @@ $(WORKDIR)/download: $(BUILDDIR)/config_$(gb_Side).mk $(SRCDIR)/download.lst $(S
$(if $(call fetch_Optional,LIBGLTF,LIBGLTF_TARBALL) \
, $(call fetch_Download_item,https://dev-www.libreoffice.org/src/libgltf,$(call fetch_Optional,LIBGLTF,LIBGLTF_TARBALL)))
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)/Executable
# vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Module_Module,codemaker))
# if not cross-compiling or we need this for ODK
ifneq (,$(if $(CROSS_COMPILING),,T)$(filter ODK,$(BUILD_TYPE)))
ifneq ($(OS),IOS)
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,codemaker,\
StaticLibrary_codemaker \
StaticLibrary_codemaker_cpp \
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,codemaker,\
Executable_javamaker \
Executable_cppumaker \
# vim:set noet sw=4 ts=4:
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