• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Adapt rtl_uriConvertRelToAbs to RFC 3986 · d739b01b
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...which updates RFC 2396, removes the requirement that the base URI's path
    starts with a slash, and clarifies how to treat excess "." and ".." segments.
    This nicely allows handling of those odd vnd.sun.star.Package URLs as intended
    now, so that making <foo> absolute relative to base URL
    <vnd.sun.star.Package:Pictures/bar> yields <vnd.sun.star.Package:Pictures/foo>
    instead of provoking a MalformedUriException.
    Change-Id: Ice84303a57698a2c05d3a45541fe78b67450fa3c
uri.h 11.4 KB