• Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    Clean up remains of NativeActivity-based Android app support · cecc9260
    Tor Lillqvist yazdı
    We haven't been able to build NativeActivity-based apps (like the
    android/qa/sc and anroid/qa/desktop thingies) since we switched to
    DISABLE_DYNLOADING and a single DSO liblo-native-code.so anyway.
    No lo_main() any more. <sal/main.h> should not be included ever when
    compiling for Android of iOS now.
    Lots of stuff binned from vcl's androidinst.cxx, in the (vain?) hope
    that it will reduce the amount of never invoked GUI code that gets
    linked in.
    Change-Id: I25f584864c40110774c728a23151e089620442d9
lo-bootstrap.c 33.9 KB