• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    external/epoxy: Work around missing clang-cl DLL-init CONSTRUCT support · a49d3b14
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    Looks like neither the __GNUC__ specific __attribute__((constructor)) definition
    of CONSTRUCT nor the _MSC_VER specific one (if the #ifs were reordered so that
    clang-cl would pick the latter) with __declspec(allocate(".CRT$XCU")) are
    supported by clang-cl, and both are rather silently ignored.  That means that
    library_init is not called, library_initialized remains false, and the first
    call to get_dlopen_handle aborts.
    But this whole "verify that get_dlopen_handle isn't called too early" business
    is somewhat pointless here (and that's the only use of the CONSTRUCT macro, and
    DESTRUCT isn't used at all), so just short-circuit it for clang-cl for now.
    Change-Id: I5d50df3574d350f9591e807ef0fb6a1b02dc34ec
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