• Andrzej Hunt's avatar
    fdo#81835 Don't prefer GDI Metafiles to RTF/HTML · a96a7ce5
    Andrzej Hunt yazdı
    Was first introduced by 538c13f3
    We should process clipboard formats in order of descriptive-/
    usefulness -- however png/bmp are special cases (as browsers
    will add an html equivalent to their clipboard when copying raw
    images, with the raw image being the preferred target format)
    and were therefore moved up in the paste-preference list,
    mistakenly it was assumed that GDI Metafiles should be subject
    to the same treatment, but it appears that Word (and Wordpad?)
    will provide both RTF (preferred) and GDI for formatted text.
    Change-Id: I731986fc9d70e7aeb64e53764e32cfec3e27eca1
formats.cxx 136 KB