• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Use explicit "SHELL=/usr/bin/env bash" in Makefile.in after all · a21266f2
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...instead of "SHELL=@BASH@" from d3f7d05d
    "Clean up OOO_SHELL" which could expand to SHELL=/bin/sh which, at least on
    Mac OS X 10.7 with /usr/bin/make 3.81, could apparently lead to recipe lines
    calling ooinstall being directly exec'ed from make and failing to find ooinstall
    in solenv/bin, instead of going via the shell and taking into account PATH from
    included config_host.mk.
    Change-Id: I841dc30f72d1d8841c64f48408a669eb6a37a1f3
Makefile.in 12.6 KB