• Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    Enable storing some files gzipped in the .apk · 970b53e0
    Tor Lillqvist yazdı
    We gzip them separately in the Makefile and the gzipped result will be
    stored without (further) compression in the .apk.
    Use this to store the ttf font files. Shaves off a bit .apk size.
    This might seem a bit odd way to do it, why not store these files in
    the normal Zip compressed fashion in the .apk? It seems hard to tell
    Ant (based on path, not extension) what files to compress and what
    not, so we have to keep telling it to not (further) compress any files
    at all.
    Change-Id: I0d40d8811e6c9df6b28c285845b1db225507f5d4
lo-bootstrap.c 37.9 KB