• Matthew Nicholls's avatar
    tdf#88710 Cleanup after removing dbtoolsclient · a1a25f4c
    Matthew Nicholls yazdı
    Removes "virtualdbtools" and its implementation under "simpledbt", which are
    mostly wrappers around various dbtools functions and classes, previously aiding
    the now removed dynamic loading logic.
    Removes IDataAccessTools, IDataAccessTypeConversion and IDataAccessToolsFactory
    interfaces and their accompanying implementations which are completely unused.
    Removes IDataAccessCharSet (implemented by ODataAccessCharSet) and moves the
    implementation into a function which replaces ODataAccessCharsetHelper.
    Removes ISQLParseNode and ISQLParser and their implementation in
    OSimpleParseNode and OSimpleSQLParser, which simply wrap around OSQLParseNode
    and OSQLParser respectively. To avoid including "sqlbison.hxx" unnecessarily,
    includes to "sqlbison.hxx" are now only used where needed.
    Change-Id: Id882dfbf43514d84a1eaffc1f916d627830c8cd6
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/15450Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarDavid Tardon <dtardon@redhat.com>
Library_dbtools.mk 4.39 KB