Kaydet (Commit) 176125c3 authored tarafından Hakan Dündar's avatar Hakan Dündar

New: Support for multiple process details windows

üst 9e109192
......@@ -1621,10 +1621,12 @@ class Performance:
# Get if drawing will be for the current device (CPU core, disk, network card, etc.) or all devices, get performance data to be drawn and device list.
draw_per_device = 0
from ProcessesDetails import ProcessesDetails
if ProcessesDetails.drawingarea2101w == widget:
performance_data1 = [ProcessesDetails.process_cpu_usage_list]
import ProcessesDetails
# There may be more than one instance of object (per process). Search for the current one by checking the widget.
for process_object in ProcessesDetails.processes_details_object_list:
if process_object.drawingarea2101w == widget:
current_process_object = process_object
performance_data1 = [current_process_object.process_cpu_usage_list]
device_name_list = [""]
selected_device_number = None
......@@ -1645,10 +1647,12 @@ class Performance:
# Get if drawing will be for the current device (CPU core, disk, network card, etc.) or all devices, get performance data to be drawn and device list.
draw_per_device = 0
from ProcessesDetails import ProcessesDetails
if ProcessesDetails.drawingarea2101w == widget:
performance_data1 = [ProcessesDetails.process_ram_usage_list]
import ProcessesDetails
# There may be more than one instance of object (per process). Search for the current one by checking the widget.
for process_object in ProcessesDetails.processes_details_object_list:
if process_object.drawingarea2102w == widget:
current_process_object = process_object
performance_data1 = [current_process_object.process_ram_usage_list]
device_name_list = [""]
selected_device_number = None
......@@ -1656,11 +1660,6 @@ class Performance:
draw_performance_data1 = 1
draw_performance_data2 = 0
"""# Get chart y limit values in order to show maximum values of the charts as 100.
chart_y_limit_list = []
for device_name in device_name_list:
# Maximum performance data value is multiplied by 1.1 in order to scale chart when performance data is increased or decreased for preventing the line being out of the chart border.
chart_y_limit_list = []
for i, device_name in enumerate(device_name_list):
......@@ -1683,7 +1682,7 @@ class Performance:
chart_y_limit = max(chart_y_limit_list)
chart_y_limit_str = f'{ProcessesDetails.performance_data_unit_converter_func("data", "none", chart_y_limit, processes_memory_data_unit, processes_memory_data_precision)}'
chart_y_limit_str = f'{current_process_object.performance_data_unit_converter_func("data", "none", chart_y_limit, processes_memory_data_unit, processes_memory_data_precision)}'
# try-except is used in order to prevent errors if first initial function is not finished and "performance_data_unit_converter_func" is not run.
except AttributeError:
......@@ -1694,7 +1693,7 @@ class Performance:
# "0.0001" is used in order to take decimal part of the numbers into account. For example, 1.9999 (2-0.0001). This number is enough because maximum precision of the performance data is "3" (1.234 MiB/s).
number_to_get_next_multiple = chart_y_limit_float + (multiple - 0.0001)
next_multiple = int(number_to_get_next_multiple - (number_to_get_next_multiple % multiple))
ProcessesDetails.label2139w.set_text(f'{next_multiple} {chart_y_limit_split[1]}')
current_process_object.label2139w.set_text(f'{next_multiple} {chart_y_limit_split[1]}')
# "0.0000001"'s are used in order to avoid errors if values are tried to be divided by "0".
# Update chart_y_limit_list if multiple charts (devices) are drawn.
if selected_device_number != None:
......@@ -1711,11 +1710,13 @@ class Performance:
# Get if drawing will be for the current device (CPU core, disk, network card, etc.) or all devices, get performance data to be drawn and device list.
draw_per_device = 0
from ProcessesDetails import ProcessesDetails
if ProcessesDetails.drawingarea2101w == widget:
performance_data1 = [ProcessesDetails.process_disk_read_speed_list]
performance_data2 = [ProcessesDetails.process_disk_write_speed_list]
import ProcessesDetails
# There may be more than one instance of object (per process). Search for the current one by checking the widget.
for process_object in ProcessesDetails.processes_details_object_list:
if process_object.drawingarea2103w == widget:
current_process_object = process_object
performance_data1 = [current_process_object.process_disk_read_speed_list]
performance_data2 = [current_process_object.process_disk_write_speed_list]
device_name_list = [""]
selected_device_number = None
......@@ -1746,7 +1747,7 @@ class Performance:
chart_y_limit = max(chart_y_limit_list)
chart_y_limit_str = f'{ProcessesDetails.performance_data_unit_converter_func("speed", processes_disk_speed_bit, chart_y_limit, processes_disk_data_unit, processes_disk_data_precision)}/s'
chart_y_limit_str = f'{current_process_object.performance_data_unit_converter_func("speed", processes_disk_speed_bit, chart_y_limit, processes_disk_data_unit, processes_disk_data_precision)}/s'
# try-except is used in order to prevent errors if first initial function is not finished and "performance_data_unit_converter_func" is not run.
except AttributeError:
......@@ -1757,7 +1758,7 @@ class Performance:
# "0.0001" is used in order to take decimal part of the numbers into account. For example, 1.9999 (2-0.0001). This number is enough because maximum precision of the performance data is "3" (1.234 MiB/s).
number_to_get_next_multiple = chart_y_limit_float + (multiple - 0.0001)
next_multiple = int(number_to_get_next_multiple - (number_to_get_next_multiple % multiple))
ProcessesDetails.label2140w.set_text(f'{next_multiple} {chart_y_limit_split[1]}')
current_process_object.label2140w.set_text(f'{next_multiple} {chart_y_limit_split[1]}')
# "0.0000001"'s are used in order to avoid errors if values are tried to be divided by "0".
# Update chart_y_limit_list if multiple charts (devices) are drawn.
if selected_device_number != None:
......@@ -2034,9 +2035,9 @@ class Performance:
elif widget_id == "drawingarea2101w":
performance_data1_at_point_text = f'{performance_data1[chart_number_to_highlight][chart_point_highlight]:.{Config.processes_cpu_precision}f} %'
elif widget_id == "drawingarea2102w":
performance_data1_at_point_text = f'{ProcessesDetails.performance_data_unit_converter_func("data", "none", performance_data1[chart_number_to_highlight][chart_point_highlight], processes_memory_data_unit, processes_memory_data_precision)}'
performance_data1_at_point_text = f'{current_process_object.performance_data_unit_converter_func("data", "none", performance_data1[chart_number_to_highlight][chart_point_highlight], processes_memory_data_unit, processes_memory_data_precision)}'
elif widget_id == "drawingarea2103w":
performance_data1_at_point_text = f'{ProcessesDetails.performance_data_unit_converter_func("speed", processes_disk_speed_bit, performance_data1[chart_number_to_highlight][chart_point_highlight], processes_disk_data_unit, processes_disk_data_precision)}/s'
performance_data1_at_point_text = f'{current_process_object.performance_data_unit_converter_func("speed", processes_disk_speed_bit, performance_data1[chart_number_to_highlight][chart_point_highlight], processes_disk_data_unit, processes_disk_data_precision)}/s'
# Add "-" before the text if there are 2 performance data lines.
if len(loc_y_list) == 2:
performance_data1_at_point_text = f'- {performance_data1_at_point_text}'
......@@ -2054,7 +2055,7 @@ class Performance:
elif widget_id == "drawingarea1501":
performance_data2_at_point_text = f'- -{performance_data2[chart_number_to_highlight][chart_point_highlight]:.0f} %'
elif widget_id == "drawingarea2103w":
performance_data2_at_point_text = f'- -{ProcessesDetails.performance_data_unit_converter_func("speed", processes_disk_speed_bit, performance_data2[chart_number_to_highlight][chart_point_highlight], processes_disk_data_unit, processes_disk_data_precision)}/s'
performance_data2_at_point_text = f'- -{current_process_object.performance_data_unit_converter_func("speed", processes_disk_speed_bit, performance_data2[chart_number_to_highlight][chart_point_highlight], processes_disk_data_unit, processes_disk_data_precision)}/s'
performance_data_at_point_text = ' | '.join(performance_data_at_point_text_list)
......@@ -89,8 +89,11 @@ def on_treeview2101_button_press_event(widget, event):
# Open details window if double clicked on a row
if event.type == Gdk.EventType._2BUTTON_PRESS:
from ProcessesDetails import ProcessesDetails
"""from ProcessesDetails import ProcessesDetails
import ProcessesDetails
# --------------------------------- Called for running code/functions when button is released on the treeview ---------------------------------
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from Performance import Performance
class ProcessesDetails:
# ----------------------- Always called when object is generated -----------------------
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, selected_process_pid):
# Get GUI objects from file
builder = Gtk.Builder()
......@@ -111,11 +111,19 @@ class ProcessesDetails:
self.drawingarea2103w.set_events(Gdk.EventMask.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK)
# Get selected_process_pid for using it for the current process object instance.
self.selected_process_pid = selected_process_pid
# ----------------------- Called for running code/functions when window is closed -----------------------
def on_window2101w_delete_event(self, widget, event):
self.update_window_value = 0
# Remove the current process object instance from the list if the window is closed.
# Delete the current process object instance if the window is closed.
del self
return True
......@@ -232,7 +240,7 @@ class ProcessesDetails:
processes_disk_speed_bit = Config.processes_disk_speed_bit
# Get "selected_process_pid".
selected_process_pid = Processes.selected_process_pid
selected_process_pid = self.selected_process_pid
# Get information.
usernames_username_list, usernames_uid_list = self.processes_details_usernames_uids_func()
......@@ -378,7 +386,7 @@ class ProcessesDetails:
# "*args" is used in order to prevent "" warning and obtain a repeated function by using "GLib.timeout_source_new()". "GLib.timeout_source_new()" is used instead of "GLib.timeout_add()" to be able to change the update interval and run the loop again without waiting ending the previous update interval.
def process_details_run_func(self, *args):
if hasattr(ProcessesDetails, "update_interval") == False:
if hasattr(self, "update_interval") == False:
# Destroy GLib source for preventing it repeating the function.
......@@ -926,6 +934,15 @@ class ProcessesDetails:
return selected_process_open_files
# Generate object
ProcessesDetails = ProcessesDetails()
processes_details_object_list = []
# Generate object for every process because more than one process window can be opened on Processes tab.
def processes_details_show_process_details():
# Prevent opening more than 10 windows in order to avoid very high CPU usage.
if len(processes_details_object_list) == 10:
......@@ -165,8 +165,11 @@ class ProcessesMenuRightClick:
# ----------------------- Called for showing Process Details Window -----------------------
def on_menuitem2106m_activate(self, widget):
from ProcessesDetails import ProcessesDetails
"""from ProcessesDetails import ProcessesDetails
import ProcessesDetails
# ----------------------- Called for expanding/collapsing items when "Expand All/Collapse All" menuitems are clicked -----------------------
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
<object class="GtkWindow" id="window2101w">
<property name="can-focus">False</property>
<property name="title" translatable="yes">Process Details</property>
<property name="modal">True</property>
<property name="default-width">500</property>
<property name="default-height">490</property>
<property name="destroy-with-parent">True</property>
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